Fire Forms - Home of the ORIGINAL Not Your Mama's Comal! — not your mama's comal
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Not Your Mama's Chile Ristras - A Modern Twist on a New Mexico Classic!
artist gil romero artistic metal chile ristra cultural gift fire forms gilbert romero metal art new mexico art new mexico true not your mama's comal unique gifts weld art

What is a comal, you ask?
chefs comal cooking fire forms gift for cooks gifts for chefs gil romero griddle hot plates kitchen decor kitchen gifts new mexico true not your mama's comal southwest cuisine unique gifts

It's the most important part of New Mexican/Mexican cuisine!
If you've never had a warm, fresh tortilla with real butter you don't know what you're missing! Also, one of my favorite ways to eat tortillas, preferably fresh also, is with a whole, peeled, or peeled and chopped, roasted green chile with a little salt and garlic. Pure heaven.
Like most cooks, my mama had one of those cast iron comales and it’s still going strong but the comales we make here at Fire Forms are not made of cast iron. They’re made of 3/16 inch steel, either hot roll or cold roll, and we’ve added a twist – beautiful designs are cut into the comal and if you’re interested in...